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Euro Due for a Correction
Oct 21, 5:53AM
Since touching a four-year low in June, the Euro has risen a whopping 19% against the Dollar – a veritable surge! One has to wonder, however, if perhaps the Euro hasn’t gotten ahead of itself in its race back upward. The Euro’s nonstop rise has perplexed me. During the throes of the Eurozone Sovereign debt crisis, [...]
QE2 Weighs on Dollar
Oct 18, 9:14PM
In a few weeks, the US could overtake China as the world’s biggest currency manipulator. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not predicting that the US will officially enter the global currency war. However, I think that the expansion of the Federal Reserve Bank’s quantitative easing program (dubbed QE2 by investors) will exert the same negative [...]
Betting on China Via Australia
Oct 16, 2:20PM
There are plenty of investors that think betting on China is as close to a sure thing as there could possibly be. The only problem is that investing directly in China’s economic freight train is complicated, opaque, and sometimes impossible. The Chinese government maintains strict capital controls, prohibits foreigners from directly owning certain types of [...]
Emerging Market "Wall of Money" Spurs Currency War
Oct 14, 5:35PM
According to Goldman Sachs (which if nothing else, is good at characterizing financial trends. Remember “BRIC?”), there is a “Wall of Money” that is already flooding emerging markets and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. “The Institute of International Finance projected 2010 capital flows of $825 billion, up from $581 billion in 2009 [...]
Japan Plots Next Yen Intervention
Oct 13, 5:00AM
Almost one month has passed since the Bank of Japan (BOJ) intervened in forex markets on behalf of the Japanese Yen. In one trading session, it spent a record 2.1249 trillion yen ($25.37 billion) to obtain a 3.5% jump in the Yen. Since then, the Yen has continued to appreciate, and now it seems like [...]
Passive Currency Investing Rises in Popularity
Oct 09, 2:53PM
Those who read the most recent Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity know that daily forex turnover rose 20% over the last three years, to $4 Trillion. According to the official data, the vast majority of participants are financial institutions and the like, which would [...]
Korean Won Rises Despite Currency War
Oct 07, 10:55PM
The Bank of Korea is one of the major participants in the ongoing global currency war, intervening on behalf of the Won to the tune of $1 Billion per day! Meanwhile, the Korean Won has risen 5% in the last month, and 10% over the last three months, the highest in Asia. What a disconnect! First [...]
Currency War: Who are the Winners and Losers?
Oct 06, 1:29PM
On September 27, Brazilian Finance Minister, Guido Montega, used the term “currency war” to describe the series of recent Central Bank interventions in forex markets. While he may not have intended it, the term stuck, and financial journalists everywhere have run wild with it. In the current cycle (dating back a couple years), more than a [...]
Brazilian Real at 2-Year High Despite "Currency War"
Oct 01, 5:14PM
Brazil is beating the drumbeat of war. The forex variety, that is. According to the Finance Minister, “We’re in the midst of an international currency war, a general weakening of currency. This threatens us because it takes away our competitiveness.” By its own admission, Brazil will not be sitting on the sidelines of this war. [...]
Bullish on the Euro?
Sep 29, 9:09AM
Wouldn’t life just be a little easier if the EUR/USD, the most important forex pair and bellwether of currency markets, could simply pick a direction and stick to it. It dove during the financial crisis, only to surge during the apparent recovery phase, fell during the sovereign debt crisis, and rose during the paradigm shift, [...]
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